3-Engineering, LLC, specializes in decentralized wastewater treatment. Whether you are an owner of a single lot or developer of a subdivision, 3-Engineering can provide a solution for you. Our solutions range from simple to complex designs intended to meet the most stringent regulations, protecting public health and the environment. The firm provides specialized services to manufacturers and regulatory agencies. Our staff prides itself on technical expertise and sensitivity to client needs.
"Decentralized wastewater management" includes the simple backyard septic system to integrated wastewater treatment facilities serving subdivisions, developments, and small communities. The phrase varies across the nation, but the concept is the same: treatment and dispersal of wastewater at or near its point of generation. 3-Engineering, LLC, understands decentralized wastewater management in all its aspects and consults with individuals, developers, regulators, manufacturers, and interested parties--anyone who has an interest in or need for a decentralized solution.
3-Engineering, LLC, serves private, corporate, and municipals clients, developing solutions to address the unique issues each faces. Whether the need is for a engineered wastewater treatment system design, facility plan, conceptual document, feasibility study, evaluation, or review, our firm provides essential technical expertise.